innovation everywhere

“Turning Setbacks Into Opportunities” Entrepreneurs Unpluggd, Jul 22

“Failure can often teach you more about your business than success.”

Entrepreneurs Unpluggd is hosting an upcoming event that will be focused on “Turning Setbacks Into Opportunities.” Invited are a series of speakers who are going to share their stories and offer their own personal knowledge and advice to other entrepreneurs. Part of Tech Week and SPARK Week, Entrepreneurs Unpluggd is an intimate and engaging environment for entrepreneurs to get together to learn and network. This event specifically focuses on the theme of tackling challenges and making the most out of them.

The upcoming event features:

  • Cary Chessick – CEO of
  • Matt Moog – Founder of
  • Penelope Trunk – Founder of Brazen Careerist
  • Michael Farah – Founder of Berry Chill

    Founders of Entrepreneurs Unpluggd, Stella Fayman and Tim Jahn, aim to bring the start-up community together in a different and unique setting. In a recent interview with Stella, I asked her about the reasons behind their success. She responded by saying that what really draws people in is all about the value that you provide, so Entrepreneurs Unpluggd aims to just that by:

    1. Inspiring. “We love to hear success stories. We want people to identify with other entrepreneurs and see that it is possible.”

    2. Educating. “We always stress that the speakers give actionable take-aways to the audience . We want our audience members to extract new concepts and ideas.”

    3. Promoting Networking. “Our goal is to help people make connections, do business together, and learn from one another.”

    4. Building a Community. “We hope to promote and make Chicago a vibrant ecosystem for start-ups and businesses.”

    We’re looking forward  to hearing from the new group of entrepreneurs at this upcoming event.

    Make sure to buy early bird tickets before July 15th.

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