Aug 25, 2011
Two years ago, I had my first interaction with a fairly unknown startup, named Sharethrough, that tossed a lofty promise my way: the ability to hoist my client’s branded content to “viral video” status...
Aug 25, 2011
Two years ago, I had my first interaction with a fairly unknown startup, named Sharethrough, that tossed a lofty promise my way: the ability to hoist my client’s branded content to “viral video” status...
Jul 29, 2011
There is so much more to traveling than sight-seeing. Startup Tripping is connecting travelers with locals to share cultural experiences. From coffee to homestays, Tripping is focused on connecting travelers on a deeper level in over 140 countries by bringing people together based on mutual interests or shared networks. Perhaps you’re into scuba diving?...
Jul 23, 2011
No matter how much a company spends on advertising a product, people still find themselves asking, “Where do I buy this”? It was precisely to answer that question that Retailigence was born. While many people now go to the Internet to do their shopping, sometimes that’s just not an option. No time to wait for shipping, you’d like to see it first or just...
Jul 20, 2011
At some point in our lives we have all asked or have been asked some form of the following question: Who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman? If you’re unlucky, this will turn into a three-hour argument about the superiorities and inferiorities of each superhero and the color of Robin’s tights that ultimately ends when one of you throws a pile...
Jul 13, 2011
Last week I wrote a post about QR codes and challenged nay-sayers to get more creative with their marketing campaigns. This week, I’m introducing tech.li readers to the Los Angeles-based company daqri. Daqri is a mobile publishing platform that is using QR codes to bring relevance back to print media. But these aren’t your ordinary QR codes. To...
Jun 29, 2011
Anyone who has spent more than a few minutes with the Nintendo 3DS knows that there are a number of really nifty features, in addition to the system’s 3D screen. A 3D gaming experience that doesn’t require silly looking glasses is awesome. But if my addiction to Words With Friends has taught me anything, it’s that I will love a game 10 times...
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