Mar 1, 2011
The most promising new web startup featured at the Kairos Summit, Newsle, is a social news-curation tool built by a couple of whip-smart Harvard sophomores, Axel Hansen and Jonah Varon.
Feb 15, 2011
Sin's EnvisionDo seeks to set itself apart from the hundreds of organizations already in the student professional/leadership-development field.
Feb 3, 2011
Due to some crazy weather, we weren’t able to complete any new trades yesterday. However, we did receive a donation for $35. We still have the GPS available for a trade and have received two tentative offers for it. One party has offered a variety of items and is currently inventorying. The other party has offered a digital camera and other photography...
Feb 1, 2011
written by Jeb Ory & Jennifer Kim, MBA candidates at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business Here’s a quick recap of Day 2 of Ory and Kim’s “Midterm Experience.” They’re off to a strong start. They didn’t trade the GPS but they received their first donation. It was from Scott’s company. They donated miscellaneous office...
Jan 31, 2011
Over the next two weeks, Flyover Geeks will be the exclusive media outlet for an innovative initiative led by Jeb Ory, (whom our readers may know as the CEO of The App House) and Jennifer Kim. Ory and Kim are both MBA candidates at the Chicago Booth School of Business and will be recounting daily adventures as they tackle a unique “Midterm Experience”...
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